What is “The Ultimate Swimming Experience”

“The Ultimate Swimming Experience”: The cleanest, clearest pool using the power Of ozone. A pool using little chlorine, containing no harmful chemical by-products Such as chloramines and THMs, and is free of bacteria and virus microorganisms.

A correctly sized, installed, and maintained ozone system can provide sufficient Oxidation of all contaminants, employing chlorine as required for the task it was Intended to be used for: a residual sanitizer without the formation of irritating By-products. Since ozone is a naturally occurring variant of oxygen, it quickly Reverts to the more common O2 form of oxygen once it is produced, leaving Behind nothing but clean, clear water.

Ozone provides “The Ultimate Swimming Experience”

How would you like to have your pool filled with bottled water? That’s what “The Ultimate Swimming Experience” pool can provide. All bottled water is ozonated for sanitation and free of any off-odors or Tastes. So why not do the same for your pool water. Here are the benefits:
1-No more eye irritation. Because irritating chloramines are Eliminated in the water.
2-No chlorine or chloramine odors. Pool water is perfectly clear and clean.
3-No chlorine allergies from the pool water. There are no chloramines to be absorbed by your skin.  Remember that your skin acts as an open sponge in warm water,  readily absorbing chloramines.
4-No more green hair or self-destructing swimsuits. This is another benefit from of eliminating chloramines.
5-No exposure to THMs. You eliminate this health risk, as you’ll be using ozone as the primary oxidizer and Sanitizer, and chlorine as the residual sanitizer.
6-Increased water clarity. Ozonation not only oxidizes contaminants, it helps to remove them from the water and catch them in our filter through a natural process called flocculation. These Very small charged particles (resulting from ozone oxidation) group together into Structures called “flocs”, which are easier to filter out of the water. This is another Benefit from eliminating chloramines.
7-Increased water sanitation. Ozone, unlike other water treatment options, can fulfill both sanitation and oxidation duties without leaving behind unwanted by-products. Such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, Ozone is much more effective than chlorine at dealing with these difficult health threats.

First Ozone pool systems use ozone’s oxygen-based oxidation to eliminate organic contaminants, bacteria, and viruses from pool water through a combination of oxidation and flocculation. Oxidation destroys these contaminants and flocculation gathers up the residual to be filtered out of the pool.
Pool water is cleaner and clearer. And unlike most chemicals, ozone does not affect the pH of pool water. It is these qualities that enable our ozone systems to deliver a unique swimming experience with water that is extremely clean, clear and without that awful chlorine odor.


• Clearer, cleaner water
• Complete sanitation
• No residue or chemical products
• Superior oxidation
• No measuring, monitoring, or handling of chemicals
• pH neutral
• Neutralizes Giardia & Cryptosporidium