Facility Improvements


What can your facility do with its First Ozone savings?

From five figure savings the first year, to hundreds of thousands of dollars saved over a short period of time, First Ozone technology can turn your laundry into a source of funds for a new lobby, kitchen or dining room modernization, to new recreation amenities…

First Ozone can actually free up that much capital.

How First Ozone can mean an extended life for your linens

• Because First Ozone cleans and sanitizes so well in cold water, the need for fiber-weakening hot water washing is virtually eliminated.

• Because First Ozone systems oxidize soils, making soils easier to remove, chemical detergents work harder without relying on harsh, high-pH formulations.

• Because First Ozone laundering leaves no chemical residue, fewer rinse cycles are necessary.

• Because First Ozone diffused ozone improves the removal of soils from wash water, it prevents soil redeposition – a major cause of fabric graying.

• Because First Ozone diffused ozone lifts and softens fibers, fabrics rinse more thoroughly and dry faster.

The net result: First Ozone-enabled shorter cycles times and cooler water temperatures means less wear and tear on linens – and a tremendous reduction of electricity, gas and water.